Monday, May 11, 2009

indina immigration to the US

  • they go from the second biggest country (population wise) to being the minority in America
  • The Luce-Celler Bill was created July 3, 1946 that gave citizen rights to the indian immigrants in the US
  • from 1776 to 1882 the Us has open immigration doors because of the Declaration

Monday, February 2, 2009

Out side Reading book

For my outside reading book this quarter i chose to read the people of the book. i chose to read this book becuase it sounded the most interesting and it's a mystery which is my favorite kind of book to read. i'm really excited to start reading it!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

blog over break #3

So during my twilight crase i read the second twilight as well. well i'm not finished but i'm about 1/3 of the way through it. they start out in love like the other book ended and it's bella's birthday. Reluntantly she goes over to the Cullen's for dinner and presents but cut her finger on the wraping paper of one of the gifts. Jasper, Edwards brother, freaked out and tried to get at bella but he was held back and brought outside. Finaly Edward's dad fixed bella's arma and Edward brought her home. but a few days later her broke up with her because "they weren't good for eachtoher". it made me cry.

blog over break #2

Sadely over break i fell into the twilight phase and kinda got obsessed...for only a couple days though so it was ok. i'm back to normal now. but anyways, the twilight books are really good. They start when Bella moves to Froks, Washington becuase her mom is traveling with her boyfriend. there she meets Edward who's a vampire yet still loves her. They fall in love and somehow manage to keep thier differences aside. Edward can read everyone's mind except for Bella's which in the end is good but during the book was frustrating him. At the end of the book Bella is bitten by another vampire named James but Edward saves her by sucking the poison out of her blood. they fell in love and went to the prom and where the perfect couple.

Blog over break #1

over break i finished my book "the Dashwood Sister's secrets to Love". it was a good book but she over explained alot of situations which could have been avoided and kept the book more alive. The book ended when all the sister finaly did find love. Abby( the middle of the 3 sisters) found love with a boy named erik. Erik had been at the aparty she went to with Kurt thinking at the time that she liked Kurt. Kurt turned out to be mean and so Abby turned to Erik and they soon fell in love. Ellie the oldest managed to find love with a boy she met in england, Ryan. ryan and her hit it off when she didn't want to go on the ride so she stayed back and met ryan while waiting for the rest of her family. And finlay Gorgie found love with the neighbor boy named Jack. Jack and her had always been friends but after they kissed on new years they both realized they wanted to be together. So in the end it was a happy, romantic story.