Tuesday, January 6, 2009

blog over break #3

So during my twilight crase i read the second twilight as well. well i'm not finished but i'm about 1/3 of the way through it. they start out in love like the other book ended and it's bella's birthday. Reluntantly she goes over to the Cullen's for dinner and presents but cut her finger on the wraping paper of one of the gifts. Jasper, Edwards brother, freaked out and tried to get at bella but he was held back and brought outside. Finaly Edward's dad fixed bella's arma and Edward brought her home. but a few days later her broke up with her because "they weren't good for eachtoher". it made me cry.

1 comment:

katie said...

Hey Ellen!
I feel like i am probably one of the only people who have not read Twilight yet, so i think i will read it soon. Hope you are enjoying it so far!